Thursday, March 13, 2008

Necessary or Unnecessary Purchase

I received (about two months ago) an advertisement for these planters called The Grow Box and I wanted to order some for our back yard so that I can grow vegetables in them. When I mentioned to Jason that I wanted to buy these he said no automatically and that we did not need them. He said "We have a yard now, you can grow things there - make a garden. Our neighbors have one in their yard." I pointed out to him that said neighbor has said that his garden is a bunch of work and that he has to work with the soil - adding composte and fertilizer, etc. to even obtain a proper soil for vegetable growing. Jason still nixed the idea. So, like a good wife I've put off buying them - until today.

I found the ad again recently and have decided I want to buy them. I like growing vegetables and prior to and through the first year of dating Jason I used to always grow tomato plants on my balcony at the condo and I enjoyed doing it and being able to eat the resulting tomatoes. I like vegetables a lot and I actually end up spending a bit of money of them during the summer months when they are fresher and for some reason I am more apt to buy them. So, I don't think this will be a waste of money. I just couldn't decide on what color to get them in - Terra Cotta or Green so I exchanged e-mails with Jason:

Me: Green or Terra Cotta
J: no
Me: Green or Terra Cotta
J: I said no
Me: Thanks for the input. Green it is.
J: We don't need it

That's where that ended and then came the phone call:
J: What are you buying?
Me: Something?
J: Well whatever it is we don't need it - especially if its something that comes in green or Terra Cotta.
Me: I want it. I'm getting it, I mean, it's already too late. I got it.
J: Well if that's the case then you should change it to Terra Cotta because if I would have picked Terra Cotta.
Me: Ok, I'll do that - it's those plant boxes by the way.
J: Didn't we discuss this already and I said it wasn't necessary
Me: Yes, but I want to grow vegetables
J: Fine, but I'm writing a letter about your unnecessary spending and I want you to post it on your blog.
Me: Fine

So, watch this space for the upcoming letter from Jason. I personally don't think that this is unnecessary spending. It'll save us money on vegetables which we can eat, I can give some to friends - who will adore me for it - and it will give me something to do that is outdoorsy :-) If I don't use them, then they'll be unnecessary. I'll let everyone know - if I'm still blogging by that time...


Vanessa said...

First, why is he the authority on how the money is spent? Second,how is something a waste of money when it saves money on groceries, gives you pleasure and is the product of your love? Growing fruits and veggies is work; it's a labor of love. It takes skill and dedication. I think he needs to get over himself. What's something he spends money on that is important to him but not you? Is that a waste of money because it brings HIM pleasure?

Bruce said...

J: I want a new video game
A: No, that is a waste of money

J: It isn't a waste of money it is an investment.
A: I divorce you (hits J with a ripe tomato from her garden)

Drea said...

I do have to say neither he nor I are the ultimate authority about what money gets spent. But, we do TRY, and I emphasize that word more towards me because of my spending habits than his, to at least consult each other on what we are spending our money on.

I think that the veggies will be a good thing for me as I enjoy them, but he doesn't normally eat his veggies. He likes his video games, I can't stand them. So, in the end this might be a good compromise - I get to play in my "garden" while he plays his "sillie little gamies" - LOL.