Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hugging and Detention??

I had to drop a quick post. I just read a story on ( where this girl got two days detention for giving her friends hugs as she said goodbye to them for the weekend. The hug is described as just being an quick over one shoulder squeeze - so not an all out hug fest. This is completely ridiculous. They say it is because there is a school ban against public displays of affection and this falls into that category. I can understand the concept of wanting such a ban, but really people let's reword this ban or make it more specific so that it says what types of public displays of affection are ok and which are not - Massive makeout sessions - not; giving little goodbye hugs - ok.

The parents of the girl told her to go ahead and serve the detentions as the only other alternative at this point is two days suspension, but are going to go to the next school board meeting and propose that the school board reword or specify.

Can we say carried away much?

1 comment:

Bruce said...

That is so stupid. Girls should be able to hug and preferably kiss whenever they want....particuarly if a pillow fight is involved and they are Catholic School girls.