Monday, March 10, 2008

Fullfilling weekend?

I have to say, I had a pretty productive weekend or really Sunday as I spent a lot of time on Saturday recovering from the fun on Friday at the Irish Channel. The only big bummer was not being able to go see my sister and her kids when they were up at our parents house on Sunday because I knew that if I took a break I wouldn't get back into the swing of things when I returned. Now, it took me most of Sunday to accomplish what I did, but that's because I took my time and plodded along. Everything I did had to be done, but would I have been such a stickler to get it all done normally - Nope. What was the driving force? It was the biggest driving force one could have - my mother-in-law is coming to visit us next week. Wonderful woman, glad to have her come and visit but there is no way I could have her in our house in the condition that it was. She actually probably has some idea since she knows her son, but I still don't feel comfortable having her know that I get tired of it all and the house suffers.

Now, I'm not saying that if I lived by myself that my house would be spotless, but it would definitely be in better shape than it is. Anyways, it is always easier to clean up after yourself than to have to clean up after more than yourself - if that makes sense. The sad thing is is that my husband just seems to create mess where ever he goes. He's not doing it deliberately but he just doesn't think sometimes (most of the times) about carrying through with an action - if you're opening up a new gallon of milk and you remove the plastic piece which secures the lid don't just place it on the counter, the top of the pantry or better yet in your pants pocket, put it in the trash - especially because when he is doing this he is standing literally 2 feet from the trash can.

Ok, ok, I'm getting too deep into this... I did laundry (loads and loads), went through weeks of mail - the junk mail and shredding all the credit card offers and other pertinent stuff to avoid theft identity, etc., picked up the place, took down the X-mas ornaments from the tree (yes we still had it up - didn't I say we are lazy) and boxed them up, vacuumed, washed dishes, helped take down the tree, helped store the tree and decorations in the attic/crawl space, took the trash out, cleaned the toilet, let the dogs in and out, in and out, played with them, made sure they didn't feel neglected, etc. etc. etc. So, basically a pretty full day.

He ran a few errands - spent about an hour at Kmart buying different things - I think that he originally just went for a belt and a tote for me to put X-mas items in and finally arrives home ($90 later), helps take the tree down, helps store the decorations and vacuums our bedroom and he's exhausted, has to go to bed early.

Now, I appreciate his help with everything don't get me wrong, but I think that it is funny that he thinks he has done so much more than he actually has. When I said that my back hurt because of all that I had been doing, he looked at me and was like well I've done a lot to - I've helped. Which is very true, I just was stating a fact that my back hurt, I wasn't accusing him of not helping. It has been my experience that when guys do something around the house, they need it acknowledged "oh wow honey you emptied the dishwasher. that's great." It doesn't matter that he emptied it once during the week, while I've emptied it every other time. I just know that I didn't get any praise and I didn't have to be asked to do it. I just did it.

You know, I have no idea where I'm going with this post, so I am just going to end it and definitely chalk it up to a wild rambling while on a quick break at work.

P.S. He never did bring in all the bags from Kmart - I wonder what he spent all that money on?? Probably some stuff that wasn't needed, will take up space around the house and I'll have to clean eventually. But I love him!!

P.S.S. I do have to admit that I probably would have spend just as much or maybe even more, but I probably would have done it at Target, but could do it at Kmart, or even CVS or the Supermarket. And, it wouldn't have been on clothes, just on little nic-nacs. I get lost in those stores sometimes and just can't help myself from spending money or too much time. It gets so bad that he won't let me go unsupervised sometimes, just so I don't spend an hour in there when I really and truly am only going in for one item and I actually only do buy the one item - can't understand why I need to spend an hour just looking at everything.


Vanessa said...

HA! I see this overspending happens in your household too! Thanks for the heads up, I liked this post. And yes, why is is so hard to throw something away? Or my personal pet peeve, ok two actually, 1) Taking the trash out. He will tie up the bag and set it at the back door. The trash can is a mere 4 feet out the back door! Heck, swing the door open and take your best shot, stop leaving it on the floor at the door for me to take out, then claiming credit with "I changed the bag liner" 2) the dishwasher. SIGH! How hard is it to swing open the door to the dishwasher and set the plates inside? He will rinse them in the sink then set them on the counter mere inches above the dishwasher. Open the dishwasher and set them inside! GAH!

Bruce said...

LOL, this is so funny and true.