Friday, April 18, 2008

Upcoming Weekend

This weekend is apon us. We are actually going to go camping this weekend. I know, I know it doesn't seem like something that would be up my alley. It's actually going to be the second camping trip of this kind for me and I figure since I made it through the first one, I will make it through this one as well. To make things better, we actually even have our own tent this time - a wedding present. Now, I grew up camping, but camping for us was a pop-up trailer with kitchen and it even had a little toilet for us to go in when needed. I'm going to take pictures just to prove that I did it (hopefully I will :-))

Ok, that's it. I'm going to go home tonight and probably rest up - fighting off an infection all week and I'm being a big wuss about it. Jason's been a doll and I feel bad that I haven't been up to going out - I tell him that this is what living with boring Andrea is like :-)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Hope you feel better soon! Let me know how camping goes, I love to camp the way you described it growing up. The tent? Not so much!