Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fingers Crossed/Prayers to be Said

So, the condo is back on the market as of Monday 2/25/08. It is looking good and priced to sell. We had our first showing on Tuesday and then another one on Wednesday. The people who looked at it on Tuesday liked what they saw - said it look really nice. Woo Hoo. All the work and money put into getting it that way may have paid off - at least people are saying it looks good. Jason and I both think it does as well. We were commenting that we need to sell the house and move back in it's looking so nice :-)

Our realtor e-mailed us today and said that the Tuesday people might be putting an offer in this afternoon, so, please, please everyone keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer that 1) they do, 2) it's for the asking price (since we are so underselling) and 3) there lending (is that the right term) is up to snuff and everything will and does go through - that is if we accept :-) The open house is on Sunday and their is a side of me who wants and hopes that people come and look and we get multiple offers, but I just really, really want to get rid of it so I'm still hoping alot on the offer that might come through this afternoon.

fingers crossed, fingers crossed


Bruce said...

Good luck guys!!!!!

Vanessa said...

fingers crossed for you...what an exciting and challenging time! Good luck!