Friday, February 1, 2008

Ladies Room

Seriously, what is wrong with people - women. I recently changed floors in my office and therefore go to the bathroom on the floor I am located on and it is nothing like the way it was on my last floor. I still work for the same firm so the same type of people would be using the bathroom as on the other floor. But, on this floor every time I go into a stall or nearly every time there is pee on the seat in that stall - sometimes I go down the line and this is the case for almost all of the stalls (5). This is just disgusting. This did not happen on my other floor - there might be an occasion where you'd run into this but definitely not every single time.

I work in an office of professional women. Do they think that they are too good to wipe their pee off the seat after sprinkling it all over the place or something? I mean, women, please use your manners. I don't want to see your pee, I don't want to have to search for a new stall to go to the bathroom in when I've already been holding it way to long and I not only merely don't want to wipe someone else's pee off of the seat, I really most sincerely don't want to wipe someone else’s pee off the seat, either.

If you can't squat and pee and get it into the bowl - then wipe it up when you are done - wash your hands and be on your way - it's your pee. If that doesn't work, use a seat protector and sit on the seat and pee into the toilet so there is no chance that your pee is going to get all over the seat. I am quite sure that your mothers did not teach you to pee all over the seat and just leave it. I’m sure that they would not have tolerated this type of behavior. I know it’s not your house (and I sincerely hope that you don’t do the same thing there) but at least treat the bathroom and the stalls next occupant with appropriate respect that you would expect be taken in your home bathroom.

I read about this in a magazine once where it was noted that women's bathrooms where or could actually be more disgusting than men's bathrooms - especially if you worked in what would be considered a professional working office, but really hoped it wasn't true. I'm really learning that this could be the case - though I haven't gone into the men's room to confirm - not something I really want to do either.

Women - clean up your damn acts!!!


Jen Judson said...

Oh my god! I totally hear you on that one. My problem is more with the poo etiquette in my office. There is a rule in the book of women in public restrooms that says if someone is in the bathroom and they are not currently urinating and they are sitting in the stall silently, it means they are waiting for you get out so they can finish. Do not take your damn time while someone is waiting for you to leave! So that's my two cents!

Drea said...

That is so true. I hate that when someone comes in and takes their time leaving - fixing their hair, fiddling with their make-up, etc. If they take to long, I figure oh well that's their problem then and just continue - they should have figured it out before. :-)