Monday, May 19, 2008

Wine in the Woods 2008

After checking into the hotel and finding the loverly flowers, we headed off to Wine in the Woods 2008. The weather was gorgeous. The lines bearable though a little on the long side since we got there in the middle of the event around 3:00, but we made it through and started tasting with gusto :-) I'm actually looking at the list now and am just realizing we didn't make it to all that many - oh, only so much wine may be drunk before it's time or before I get a bit tipsy - lol.

We started with the wines of Loew Vineyards they had a few that we liked. From there it was to Bordeleau - “edge of the water”; Basignani Winery; Little Ashby winery; Terrapin Station Winery (The Diamondback Terrapin, a native of the Chesapeake Bay, is the Maryland state reptile. Once plentiful in number, the Terrapin is facing tremendous pressures on its environment that threaten its very existence. We think fighting for the Terrapin is a good way to give back for the blessings bestowed upon us by the beauty of the Bay. A portion of our sales will be donated to the Terrapin Institute to help save the Terrapin.); Fridays Creek Winery.

We also stopped at St. Michaels Winery where we tried most of their wines as well as their Gollywobbler Red (This fun, fruit-forward wine is made with a combination of Concord grapes and a splash of Cabernet Sauvignon. A great picnic red with hints of lime and lemon. Drink it well chilled over crushed ice, or as a spritzer or martini.) This wasn't us. But we also tried their Chocolate Zinfandel (The sin ... is in the zin. Sumptuous chocolate mixed with oak-barreled Zinfandel equals “Mmmm.” Drink Chocolate Zin as an after-dinner delight, with chocolate mousse and raspberry sauce, or as dessert.) Had to pay $1 per tasting, but it was pretty worth it if you like chocolate!

Fridays Creek is where we stopped, bought a nice Syrah to share and went and sat and enjoyed the delightful music of King Teddy (swing, jump blues and rock-a-billy).

Our pictures:

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Happy Anniversary and those are gorgeous flowers!