Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Cute and The Pretty

I'm liking blogging with pictures - means I don't have to type as much or doesn't it? I wanted to post these adorable pictures of Lucie and Kira, so here they are....

Lucie, somehow ended up with the ball and has it on her chair, she's actually looking at Kira sorta teasing her like - "ahha, I have the ball"
Here Lucie is playing coy and pretending that she's just lazing about with the ball and not really keeping a close eye on Kira - who will steal that ball in a heart beat .

Kira, is looking at me expectantly, like - "whatcha going to do mom, Lucie's teasing me and you know that I'll at least play with the ball and you if you go get it from her."

Kira has tried resorting to giving me the eye - "Look into my eye, look deeply into my eye." "You will get that ball from Lucie and give it to me." I, of course, chose to ignore both of them, take my pictures of them and then tell them they had to play fairly and that daddy would referee while I read my book.


Bruce said...

meanwbile Jason sits in the background dilligently playing video games.

Vanessa said...

Cute cute cute! I love puppy faces!