Thursday, July 31, 2008

Public scenes - Passion/Temper

So we are out last night hanging out and drinking was being done by all. One girl arrived later than most because she had been working. We were all talking and something was said and, it was something which was a "cut" or "tease" about her bf - which we were saying directly to him, but seriously, I don't even remember what it was. Well, I guess after everyone else continued on in conversation she made one last crack to her bf about whatever was said. I guess he didn't think it was funny or maybe he thought his retaliation to the comment was funny, but anyways, what he did was grab a finger full of the coleslaw off of her plate (she was eating) and shoved it in her hair. She, of course, retaliated by grabbing a bigger handful and shoved it in his hair where it proceeded to fall down the front of him and all over his pants - nice. At one point, I think that there was serious contemplation on his part about grabbing more and re-retaliating, but since we were all yelling at him at this point not to, he did not. The girl cleaned up her stuff, told him he was a jerk, gathered up her belongings and said she was leaving. He started yelling at her that because of the way that she retaliated she was by hypocritical and then proceeded to follow her out/leave.

This started a bit of a discussion between those who remained about how things were handled - everyone agrees (that I remember) that he should not have done what he had done. Now, there are some who said she shouldn't have retaliated the way she did, that she should have just gathered her stuff and left and dealt with it when they got home and in private. I can say that, I think, at this stage in my life, I think this is what I would have done, but you can be guaranteed that everyone in that place would have known that this was not something I was accepting and not something my bf would be getting away with it. I say it this way, because I can remember back to when I was as young as this couple is (she actually sorta reminds me of me at that age). She is very passionate and expresses herself immediately without completely thinking about what others are seeing - but aren't we supposed to act true to ourselves and not worry about judgment by others? I can remember making scenes in the middle of Georgetown with my ex, because of some slight that he had done - like borrow my car to go out on a date with another girl and then when I ran into them on their little date refused to give me my car back - this resulted in my jumping on the hood of the car and daring him to drive off - not very smart at all, actually quite dumb, but at the time, there was no thinking going on in my little brain - not exactly something I'm proud off, but something I did and have to own up to and something I did learn from.

Others sort of thought he may have gotten off easy. Though, I sometimes think that I am in the minority when it comes to public displays of emotion, which is why in general I have tried my hardest to minimize. It doesn't always work though, just recently I actually made a little bit of a scene in front of some of the same people by being loud, ok, improperly yelling at one of the friends about a point, which I took offense to. I have to say there were mitigating circumstances - a lot was going on - it was right before everything went to crap they end of June and beginning of July but I knew it was coming if any of that makes sense, so I was on the edge already.

I guess what I'm getting at is, I really don't know what, I just felt like posting about this event. Wouldn't mind hearing other people's takes on public scenes though. I don't think that they are the best things to be had, but have done it, so I try my hardest not to judge people when it does happen. That in itself is hard because I believe it is human nature for most people to think that they are better than others. I think it's just different ways of handling things and coming across. There are people who I know who really aren't true to their selves at all - they act one way around some people and completely different with another group of people - and I'm not talking business people versus friends - I'm talking differently in front of one type of friend versus another type of friend, this even happens when it's all the same group of friends.

Ok, I think that's enough rambling for now.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guest Blogger :Nicholas

Hey bloogers i am going to tell what happend last night 7/28/08 me and my uncle went to wrestling and it was awesome we saw tons of good matches. My favotite match was Jeff Hardy vs. Edge. Edge won because M.V.P. interfered when the ref wasent looking. Another good match was John Cena and batista the hometown man vs. kane and JBL John Cena and batista won!! I wish jeff hardy won the other match though. Oh well me and my Uncle had a really really really good time going. We had funny guys behind us to they where commentating some of the matches. Well i got to go ill start a Blog maybe this after noon or tomorrow so send me some comments to tell me if u want me to do a blog and that u like my post. bye.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Going Green at the Office

Just went to go grab a plate and knife so that I could eat my orange and saw that my office has moved forward on the Green initiative. We have replaced all our cups, cutlery, plates, straws, stirring straws and napkins to ones made with compostable, sustainable and/or recycled materials. We will shortly be switching trash bags as well - "In order for these products to degrade once they hit the landfill, they must be collected in trash bags that will allow them to do so, i.e., not your standard plastic garbage bag. The firm will be switching to biodegradable garbage bags for all trash collecting purposes. These bags will promote the decomposition of compostable materials in land fills."

You can tell they are a little different, but still definitely work.

Go Office. Go Green Committee!!

Crabby, Crabby - Embarrassment, NO?

So, I was going to post and then I wasn't going to post and now I am posting. decisions, decisions..
This morning DH and I get into a big row about posting, etc. I have to admit I've been a bit more crabby than usual - I have to say this because those who know me, know that when I'm crabby, I'm crabby and I will pick a fight if I want and I will stay in it to win even if the person isn't really fighting back with me (DH's best strategy and actually something I really love about him). And, let's face it, I am selfish, I try to come across as not as selfish as I am and to this end I do alot for others, am nice, bend over backwards to accommodate, but all in all I really, really am selfish and know that it's all about me in the end.

This morning we are rushing around to get ready so I'm already in a snit about being late, dragging feet, general slackiness. When the usual routine doesn't seem to be inciting Jason into a more acceptable (to me) rapid getting readiness, I start in with the picking -

me: I am so totally going to blog about this
J: Whatever
me: Why can't you move faster, we are going to be late and to top it off I'm going to blog about last night as well
J: You better not
me: Why the he** not, I can, it's my blog and I can blog what I want
J: Fine, do what you want, but then I'm starting my own blog
me: whatever, if that's what you want, go for it. I don't really care
J: Well you better not embarrass me
me: What?? About last night? It's not embarrassing, it's life. It's what you do. If your so embarrassed about something like that then maybe you should do it anymore. It's not as if my repeated requests have helped any or my constant bitchiness about it has helped anything.
J: I'm not fighting you about this
me: forget you

So, what's so embarrassing? What's just ordinary life in our household? The fact that we share a queen sized bed - no, not that, we are married here folks. The fact that on almost all occasions he goes to bed before me - once again, not a big deal. The big deal is is that Jason is a bed hog, a pillow hog and a blanket hog.

We have learned from past experience and have actually divided up our comforters - yes, we each have our own, so it makes for a very warm night if we share. So, we should each have our own. When Kerry comes to clean I usually separate them out again, after she has made the bed so nicely, before going to bed so as not to have to fight for blankets. I forgot to do this Tuesday evening after she came over and just suffered the consequences. Last night though I wasn't in as good a giving mood as all that. First when I left the bed yesterday morning, I left my two pillows on my side of the bed where they belonged and had worked one of the comforters mostly onto my side. When I go to get into bed last night first Jason is literally sprawled all over the complete bed - doesn't look comfortable to me, but from the sounds of deep sleep it must be for him. I get him to move over a bit, get into bed to realize I now only have one pillow and barely enough covers to cover one leg - the one closest to him, of course. I proceed to grumble, pull and push to just get my second pillow and some covers and as I'm doing this he's just like "stop it, I'm not fighting with you." I don't want to fight, I want what is rightfully mine as an equal partner in our bed. He figures that he gives me enough room because he moves over to the middle of the bed - yes I can then get in anda lie on my back, but this means my left side is right along the edge of the mattress - in bed, but not comfortable, so I have to fight more.

All of this is not made any easier, by the additional bedroom conditions that exist:
1) The Schnoodle Sister's think they need to sleep in between us, so since Jason is already in bed taking up half of the bed, they need room on my side
2) Jason sleeps with 4-5 extra pillows - which are located under his head around his sides - almost like moat
3) Jason also usually has in addition to his comforter, two additional blankets

Now, I'm thinking that if Jason would just learn to sleep closer to the edge of the bed and give up a few pillows and blankets than the girls and I would be able to get into the bed semi-comfortably. Jason's response to all my complaints is
1) You have enough room
2) The girls are dogs, move them out of your way, they don't need to sleep on the bed

I believe the girls have more of a right on the bed than his extra pillows, especially the body pillow and two extra blankets. I think that if Jason really, really loved me he would try and make an effort to correct something that bugs me as simple as this is. One can also see that since it is such a small thing, why do I allow myself to get all worked up about it. It's because I can, and I enjoy being naggy and crabby sometimes.

Solution: We need to upgrade to a king size bed or, maybe, he would like to blow up the air mattress and sleep on that with all his inanimate objects! This way I'd have the bed to myself - though I'd miss him - I'd be comfortable. See I'm selfish.

P.S. I have to feel doubly bad about all my nagging and witching, because I know he really does love me because of the following shows of support, but I know I won't, this is me.
1) he went and picked up my mom and drove her home last night with me so that she could spend time with us when I didn't feel like going over to her house - thought wait, I was in the kitchen slaving over pasta and homemade sauce for him.
2) he is going to fly down to West Palm Beach in August on a Saturday, so that he can fly back up on the next day, Sunday, with my mother who is going down to visit her sister for a week and didn't want to fly back alone - she's flying down with my Aunt and Uncle.

See, he's a sweetheart. Maybe I'm just a naggy witch and don't deserve him - lol.

Now, I don't think that was embarrassing to him. If it is I've told him he has the right to comment back or like he's said start his own blog. I don't remember seeing either. But hey, I don't know, I know what I am and so do most people so it doesn't bother me - I just want them all to like me anyways. :-)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Luving Having a Blast...Summer Looks for the Girls

Lucie and Kira are sporting their new summer haircuts (pics below). Lucie had never really been shaved before, just trimmed, so this was a new experience for her. Sister Kira is a pro already. It was reported by the groomer that Lucie acted up a number of times and she really, really likes the groomer - it is also the women they stay with when we go away. I wonder if it was because of all the upheaval of the last two weeks - staying at my mom's house or staying at home with just daddy and then being played with by my niece and nephew. The girls are not used to being held quite as much as they are made to be when Moira and Nicholas are around. Or, it could just be her expressing her sorrow or anger over losing her lovely long locks of wild doggie hair. What ever the reason, you may notice that she's looking a little scared or sadly up at me in the picture as I took it - she kept coming towards me as I tried to take it practically begging me to pick her up and give her loves, which, of course, I did immediately after taking the picture. I think that she is getting used to the cut and loving the cooler air. Jason and I are also coming to terms - though it's hard to tell them apart now in the dark.

Lucie: "Mommy pick me up and love me"

Kira: "I don't know what the big deal is, you do this to me all the time"

Monday, July 7, 2008

Guest Blogger :Nicholas

My name is Nicholas i am Andrea's nephew. I am 10 and in 5Th grade how cool! I am going to write a story and to all that read leave a comment back i like reading comments so please send back thank you. This story about this 4Th of July at my friends house for a party a pool party.

Splash!!!! I jump in to the water and start to swim to get away from the next jumper it is a rule at his house for safety. Swimming at his house is fun to though. the deep end is about maybe 12 feet i have torched the bottom. That day i also played volleyball pool style in the pool it was a lot of fun. I slept over hi house that night and we stayed up playing games of pool and air hockey. We also went in the pool around 11:00 p.m. it was 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Pretty warm for 11:00 they have heat lights to though so that probably helped to. The next day is drawing near and i cant wait because tomorrow night they are sleeping over our house and we are doing fireworks. The next day after the fireworks we tried to order UFC: Jackson vs. Griffin. Griffin won he made Jackson tap out and Griffin became the new champion. Now it is July 7Th 08 and i am going to my grandfather viewing. He passed as u heard from my aunt in that blog she wrote. So i have to go now bye.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Guest Blogger - Moira

My name is Moira. I have 2 dogs and 1 hamster. My best friends names are Rachel and Lindsay. My favorite dogs Lucie and Kira are two girl dogs and they are schnoodles. Lucie is crazyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kira is calm.I have 1 brother and 0 sisters. My life is cool and fun. I am just a kid though I 'm on my aunts blog. And my uncle Jay is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite food is spaghetti. I like a game called Club penguin. Club penguin is where you are a penguin and you get money and you get to play games if you are a penguin that dose not pay if you are a member you can get cool stuff.I'm 7 years old.One day my uncle jay did a explosion at my Nana's house it was cool. My favorite drink is chocolate milk.And if you look at my post send a cooment. Lucie and Kira are funny!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Arrangements - James "Jack" D. Rosson, Jr.

We met with the people from Evans in Bowie and made the arrangements for dad. Because of the July4th holiday weekend, we were not able to schedule things until Monday, July 7.

Visitation and Viewing - The Wake
Monday, July 7, 2008 - 7-9 p.m.
Evans Funeral Home in Bowie
16000 Annapolis Rd
Bowie, MD 20715

Chapel Service and Burial
10:45 a.m.
Crownsville Veterans Cemetery
1122 Sunrise Beach Road
Crownsville, MD 21032

Memorial contributions may be made in lieu of flowers to the American Cancer Society:

Donate by Phone:
To donate to the American Cancer Society by phone, call 1-800-ACS-2345.

Donate by Mail:
To donate by mail, simply download the form from the American Cancer Society site (, print it, and mail the completed donor form with your check to this address: American Cancer Society P.O. Box 22718 Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718

Donations may also be made to Hospice of the Chesapeake - Who did a wonderful job in helping us bring dad home and take care him. Awesome - definitely recommend them if, unfortunately, the need arises.

If you would like any other contact information, please let me know and I'll send it along.

thanks once again to all for their prayers and thoughts.
Ruth, Andrea and Janine

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fini - James D.Rosson, Jr. 10/21/1935-7/1/2008 10:00 p.m.

It is done. Dad has passed on, expired, died. He has gone on to where he has wanted to go. He is with so many good people that I do not have to worry about him... he is with my sister Cheryl, my cousin John, my Uncle Sam, both sets of grandparents, Paul and Lorraine Konen, my Aunt Cathy, My Aunt Mary, Jason's Uncle Aldo, my friends mother's (Camala and Kerry), Pat Tonrey as well and probably so many more awesome people. Us who remain are going to be well taken care of. We have our memories and the love and well-being that he helped instill in us. He was a loving father and husband and a great friend. He and my mom talked and decided that they raised a great family and as biased as I may be, I agree. We were there to hold his hands in his final moment, to tell him it was ok to go, that we loved him, that we knew we were loved by him, that we would be fine, we would be taken care of.

A great, great man, passed on today. A man who loved his family, his wife, served his country and his community. That man is my father - James "Jack" Rosson

Tuesday Update 7/1/08

Yesterday, the nurse came over and the nurse's aid. They are very nice and very good at their jobs. Marianne, the nurse's aid, gave dad a bath, changed the sheets and gave him a shave. He looked very handsome when she was done. Nicholas and Moira were up with Janine and they got to visit with Granddad once he was all spiffed up. I got out for a little while with Kerry and got a pedicure and then we met up with Maria for a bite to eat at Applebees. Dad had a good evening and actually was awake and alert for most of the night. Around 1 a.m. though I heard his water glass fall as he was trying to get some water. I gave him some water and changed the cover sheet, about 1/2 hour to an hour later he tried again with the same results. I got him a cup with a lid on it to try and prevent the spills, which worked a bit. He had just gotten so weak that he is unable to really lift a glass and direct it to his mouth. today I have the little sponges on a stick for him and have been offering him drinks. He seems quite out of it today, so much worse then yesterday. I don't know if this is because of all the "excitement" of yesterday or if this is a step in "the direction." He has been trying to speak to us, but we can't really understand all that he is saying. He sorta starts out strong and then ends up mumbling. It's very, very frustrating He also seems very, very tired, but isn't sleeping.

I don't know where things stand at this point or where things are going, but I'll keep updating.

Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Please keep them up.