Monday, October 15, 2007

Other Sunday Happenings

Better things that happened to us on Sunday: We cleared up the rest of the cord of wood which was dumped in our driveway. It is now stacked nicely in our backyard, ready to provide us, I would think, at least a year and a half's worth of firepit fires since we don't own an indoor fireplace, it might even last us even longer :-) Our little helper Heidi was over to help and earn a little money as usual. It was funny that her little sister wanted to help and we said sure that we would give her a couple bucks, but Heidi was having none of it. She considered us hers and the jobs we give out go to her. After a little consulting, it was decided that her sister was allowed to rake leaves for us if she wanted to and get some money, but if she helped with the wood it would be unpaid.

I also made a big pot of chili in preparation for the MD Renfest after party at our place next Saturday and a big pot of Sloppy Joes for my bookclub the following Tuesday night.

We watched the Redskins work their way to a lose once again, through incomplete passes, fumbles and just everything that could go wrong went wrong. We watched the Patriots win their sixth win of the season - Jason was very, very happy. The Steelers were on a bye so nothing there - looking forward to the game next weekend.

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