Friday, October 5, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blahing about Pre-judging

So, a group of friends and I were talking the other night and as the conversation carried on we were talking about other friends - not talking, talking about other friends but they were brought up in the conversation. Anyways, one of the couples present did not know the couple being spoken about, so the group said "they are really nice but sorta white trash" and then continued the conversation. It made me think, what makes them white trash? How do people describe me? I mean, besides great personality, very friendly, fun to hang out with, etc. (lol). Would I be described as middle class suburbanite? a little bit country? a bit of a snob? Or, the dreaded white trash? horror!

Made me think of the TV show "Without Prejudice?" on the Game Show Network. I've seen it a couple of times and it has reinforced my belief that all people are a little prejudice in some way or have at times been prejudgmental. You know we all do it in our own way. People may claim that they are not prejudiced, but I don't believe they have never pre-judged. I used to say that, but the more I thought about it and broke it down I realized that I couldn't say that. I honestly believe that I can say that I am not racist. At this point, I believe I must let people know how I perceive the definitions of the words prejudice and racist and what I am basing my feelings on.

Prejudice: (1) an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason; (2) any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

Racist: (1) a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others; (2) hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

So, what I'm getting at is this conversation made me think. What gives me the right or anyone the right and why do we do it anyway to put a label on another person. I think in a way it is a way for us to describe people or separate ourselves from the way someone else might act or from what they might say that we would never say or do. So, it make us feel better when some person is acting very loud, trashy, obnoxious or what we would deem improper behave that if we say oh don't mind them they are just white trash, black trash, etc. it's ok to do that. Maybe that person just isn't as repressed as you or your friends might be. Maybe that person just doesn't care what other's think about them and thinks that it is cool and fine to be outgoing and emotional and to really act and speak the truth of their moment. I myself am a bit repressed unless I have a little bit of alcohol in me and then I can, at times, get a little emotional and someone who doesn't know me or know what's been going on in my life might view what I have done, said, acted out as trashy or low behaviour.

I get along with a bunch of different types of people and I see them all as my friends and people I enjoy hanging out with. Sometimes, it's actually more fun hanging out with friends who act the way they want - though not if they start fighting or become really obnoxious - than with the friends who act all snobbish and have better than those other people attitudes. That is one that does get on my nerves is the people who carry themselves and act like they are better than others, especially if you know their background and they are from plain old middle class folks and that lifestyle but the way they act you'd think they were born inches away from having a silver spoon in their mouth. Now, there is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself, but you are not bettering yourself in my opinion if you are constantly looking down on others who are happy with their lives and not overachievers.

I myself have become more and more comfortable with just being me than I used to be. I used to think I needed to buy only the best - or what I could afford as the best. Now, I look and see if something can be bought for less money but might have better quality even though it doesn't have the name-brand. I don't feel it is necessary to always be dressed to the nine's I'm happier in my comfortable clothing and that helps my true nice, friendly personality shine through. I'm happy being my middle class self.


Bruce said...

I think that the term white trash refers to a particular type of undesirable attitude rather than nessecarily a prejudice. Typically you associate white trash with those who follow NASCAR, live in trailers, and / or have a family tree that goes in a straight line. Honestly none of these things are truly that bad.

What is bad, and what should really constitute white trash are people who don't take care of their children, beat their significant others (mentally or physically) and are xenaphobic to the point of wanting to physically harm someone who is different or from a different place. You've seen this behavior before and you know what I am talking about.

Bruce said...

Actually the family tree thing is a bit disturbing